D&D/RPG News and Reviews

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Logo for youngdragonslayers.com

Young Dragonslayers: A Resource for Child and Teen D&D Players

Cover image for The Goblin Bath Water Incident for D&D 5E

Adventure Review: The Goblin Bathwater Incident


One-Shot Adventure Review: The End of the Line

Kickstarter: Legends of Novus Adventures: Kzmatic’s Keep

Excerpt of Wizard Scrolls for D&D 5th Edition

Want to add some SERIOUS flavor to your Wizard spells?

San Jenaro Game Digest, Volume 2

A Quick Shout Out to San Jenaro Co-Op Games

All of the Monster Manual monsters as D&D playable races

Monstrous Races: want to play a Tarrasque Monk, or Unicorn Paladin?

Grey Man, from Irish Myth, related to Green Hags, for D&D 5E

Gray Man, Inspired by Myth, for D&D 5E


More Resources for DMs and GMs : Map-Making

Roll20 All Over the Mediasphere, Have You Used It?

Middle Earth Players Guide

Middle Earth Adventures in D&D: Players Guide

Monster Maker Output

Resources for DMs and Homebrew 5th Edition D&D

GHost Herder, Very Evil Brother to Night Hags

Ghost Herder: Possibly the Most Evil Creature I’ve Created

Scary pile of skeleton bones 5e

Cacklers – Dry Bone Mound, or Scary Pile of Bones!

Creepy, Crawly, Crazy Homebrew Monsters for D&D 5E

Creepy, Crawly & Crazy – 6 Homebrew Monsters

D&D 5E_Paladin_Character_Sheet_(Fillable)_(5E)

5th Edition D&D Paladin Character Sheet

D&D 5E Paladin Variant - Lawwarden

Paladin Variant: The Oath of the Lawwarden

D&D 5e funny Paladin Variant - The Oath of Immaculate Nobility

Paladin Variant: Oath of Immaculate Nobility

5E Alternative Steeds For Paladins

Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume 2

5E Paladin Variant: Oath of the Steadfast Defender

Paladin Variant: Oath of the Steadfast Defender

Review: 5e Creatures – Small and Dangerous

Alternative Steeds for Paladins Volume_1_(5E).cover

Alternate Steeds for Paladins, Volume 1

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