Cleric - Cantrip Level Spell
School: Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 ft
Components: Verbal
Duration: 1 Minute
Attack/Save: None
Reference: PHB 282
You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range. You create one of the following magical effects within range:
- Your voice booms up to three times as loud as normal for 1 minute.
- You cause flames to flicker, brighten, dim, or change color for 1 minute.
- You cause harmless tremors in the ground for 1 minute.
- You create an instantaneous sound that originates from a point of your choice within range, such as a rumble of thunder, the cry of a raven, or ominous whispers.
- You instantaneously cause an unlocked door or window to fly open or slam shut.
- You alter the appearance of your eyes for 1 minute.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its 1-minute effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
My Comments: Hurray, Prestidigitation for Clerics! Or, is it DruidCraft for Clerics? Or, vice-versa?
The flavor for each of these is different according to the class, but the concept is basically the same- you can create some minor magic effect for cheap. Don’t expect much, and at the same time, the cost is super low. Be creative.
I like how this one, Thaumaturgy, is kind of spooky. Prestidigitation reminds me of a low-level mage showing off, Druidcraft makes me think of Druids just doing their thing in nature and this one? It reminds me of a haunted house. Booming voices, changes in lighting, mysterious raven calls or subtle whispers, doors opening or closes for no reason, freaking spooky-ass eyes.
Who knew clerics were so goth?
[pssst… want to draw a card from The Deck of Many Things?]
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