5th Edition D&D Paladin Character Sheet

D&D has seemed to go back and forth on the whole class-specific character sheet idea. I remember having a “Magic-User” character sheet at one time back in the old days, but mostly they’ve been very generic. It makes sense, you can photocopy one sheet and hand it out to everybody before they’ve even decided what class they want to play. Also, what if you end up dual-classing, or worse, old fashion multi-classing (which always makes me think of Fumbles from the Goblins webcomic).

But these are modern times! We’ve got phones that have more computing power than NASA did back when D&D was getting started!

So I decided I was going to make a paladin-specific character sheet.

Man, that was not as easy as I thought it was going to be. Well, OK, it could have been a lot easier, but then I had to embed calculations in it and all that crap. It’s fancy, I think it’s pretty cool and, for all my complaining, it was a lot of fun to learn how to make.

It was recently discontinued on DMsGuild, so contact me and I’d be happy to send it to you. Alternatively, check out these Character Sheet options on DMsGuild.

Excel Character Sheet – Highly rated, give it a shot if you’re a fan of Excel (like I am).
Detailed 5e Character Sheet – All the details, including multi-classing, animal companions and a combat cheat sheet.
Alternate 3 Page Character Sheet – 3 pages, yet still manageable.
Index Card Character Sheet – Concise for quick reference.

D&D 5E_Paladin_Character_Sheet_(Fillable)_(5E)

🤞 Don’t miss out

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  1. Vanni Martina (@Spiattalo) on July 24, 2016 at 5:56 pm

    Hi Dave, I would like to have a look at that sheet, where can I find your email?

    • daveg on July 25, 2016 at 8:01 am

      Hi Vanni,

      If you could use the contact form I’ll get back to you right away. That way neither of us has to publish our emails. 🙂

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